Professor Ruth Frenk (Germany) will give a lecture “Music in Theresienstadt concentration camp” on July 01, at 18:00 in Latvian Academy of Music, Kr. Barona str. 1, 305 room. Entrance free. Ruth Frenk is an accomplished music teacher on an international level. During 2010 she taught Masterclasses and lectured in Jerusalem, Salzburg and Riga/Lettland. She is a member of the Board of the German Voice Teachers Association, BDG since April 2006, member of the board of the Gesellschaft für Christlich-Jüdische Zusammenarbeit e.V. Konstanz (Society for Christian-Jewish Cooperation) and Chairperson of the Deutsch-Israelischen Gesellschaft Bodensee-Region (German-Israeli Society, Lake of Konstanz-area).