Jewish Culture Festival 5772
Purim in Daugavpils

On March 18th, 2011, Rabbi Levy-Itzhak Naimark, Rabbi Menachem Barkahan and “Shamir” employees went to Daugavpils to meet Shabbat and celebrate Purim together with local Jewish community. More than 50 people have joined Saturday evening pray. Rabbi Neimark has brought kosher Torah Scroll, lead the pray and called to the Torah every attendant man.

On Saturday morning, Jews in synagogue prayed for Daugavpils Jewish community and for Israel Defense Army; memorial prays were held, too. On Saturday’s luncheon, the congregation of the synagogue enjoyed challah and cholent: traditional Jewish meals not eaten by many since their childhood.
On Saturday evening and Sunday morning Purim was celebrated. More than 60 synagogue parishioners listened to the reading of the Scroll of Esther, popped into the ratchets, enjoyed wine and homentashen and sang old songs in Yiddish. No such Purim celebration was held in Daugavpils for many dozens of years.